I Believe That You Will Do It Again

Some incredible natural phenomena occur in the most remote places on Earth. From Siberia to Antarctica, Expiry Valley to the Atacama, and Lake Maracaibo to Turkmenistan, natural phenomena can happen anywhere. Some can even be constitute right in your backyard.

Whether they inspire awe or terror, these 30 amazing natural phenomena must exist seen to be believed.


It'due south nigh every bit if Chile'southward tourism board said: "What about icicles, but bigger, and upside down?" Looking like a frozen stalagmite, penitentes are jagged formations of snow that have partially evaporated at high altitudes, leaving astonishing structures that point towards the sunday.

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Heat from the sun evaporates water before the snowfall melts, a process known as sublimation, like to when ice cubes dissipate if left in the freezer besides long. This produces an eerie, otherworldly visual and an extremely problematic landscape for hikers. Penitentes can be taller than a homo and accept been measured at up to 20 feet tall.

Volcanic Lightning

Here's a quick science lesson: When lightning strikes, a massive amount of electricity is discharged, heating the surrounding air to effectually 54,000°F. This oestrus causes the air to aggrandize chop-chop, creating a shock wave that produces the sonic blast we know as thunder. That's the science behind your typical thunderstorm.

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A volcanic thunderstorm, however, is vastly different. In this type of thunderstorm, static electricity builds upwardly as volcanic ash collides on its way up from the depths of the volcano. The backlog electricity and then releases in the form of lightning, in a sight that has to be seen to be believed.

Journal Cicadas

Though some cicadas emerge annually, periodical cicadas live their fascinating lives underground, tunneling and feeding on root moisture merely to sally in 13-year and 17-twelvemonth cycles. These species stretch across vast portions of the The states, from the Midwest to the Eastern Seaboard.

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Cicadas +present a unique puzzle to scientists, who only get a gamble to detect their habits every 17 years. To add to the mystery, sometimes cicadas sally a few years early on, puzzling scientists like University of Connecticut's Chris Simon, a biologist who noted: "We need to go on tracking them for 17 more years, and 17 years later on that to go a clear moving-picture show."

Blood Falls

As if Antarctica wasn't foreboding plenty already; y'all've endured a lengthy boat trip and/or a harrowing aeroplane ride. You go there and yous can't flush the toilet and definitely can't discover a decent bagel. So you await over and the glacier is bleeding. Don't fret, information technology'due south just iron oxide!

Photo Courtesy: Public Domain/Good Free Photos

If you happen to be in the area, be sure to check out Taylor Glacier in E Antarctica. The Blood Falls are really "a feather ascent from an ancient hypersaline lake trapped beneath." To oversimplify, the glacier is just rusting.

Sailing Stones

If y'all're planning a trip to Decease Valley, don't go in July. Located in California's Mojave Desert, it bankrupt its own record in July 2018 for the hottest calendar month ever recorded on Globe. But if you insist on subjecting yourself to such scorching pathos, swing by Racetrack Playa to see the mysterious sailing stones.

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The National Park Service warns that you'll need a 4×4 vehicle with heavy-duty tires to avoid a flat on the "road," and there's no cell telephone coverage, and you're more three hours from the nearest relevant location. If you manage to get to the dry lakebed, yous tin can puzzle over the rocks that seem to accept skidded across the footing of their own volition.

Co-ordinate to a written report past Scripps Institution of Oceanography, the playa can fill with a couple of inches of water that turns to "windowpane" water ice on cold nights. Information technology then partially melts and fractures during the twenty-four hour period and gets pushed along past air current and that ice and so pushes the rocks in the soft mud.

Pinkish Hypersaline Lakes

In the Swell Rift Valley, Tanzania'due south Lake Natron are sometimes bright pink due to hypersalinity. Wouldn't it be fun to accept a refreshing dip in that Bubble Yum h2o? No. Information technology wouldn't. Considering it tin can mummify yous thank you to sodium carbonate deposits.

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The combination of the loftier pH levels and sodium carbonate is disastrous for animals who venture into the lake. After the caustic alkaline water causes injury in the grade of severe burns, the animals can be mummified by the high levels of sodium carbonate. Less toxic, pink lakes can also be found in United mexican states and Commonwealth of australia.

Rainbow Eucalyptus

Though eucalyptus trees are typically establish in the southern hemisphere, the rainbow eucalyptus is indigenous to the Philippines and other areas. Information technology thrives in rainy tropical forests and grows up to 250 feet tall. They as well have an aromatic oil that tin be used as an insecticide.

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The visually stunning trees go their distinctive color from bark that is shed at different times. Smaller rainbow eucalyptus trees can abound in Hawaii and parts of California, Texas and Florida. And so, possibly consider one for your home garden if yous're willing to invest the time and money in a argument slice of vibrant color.


Similar to their daytime equivalents, lunar rainbows are produced when light is reflected or refracted off water in the air. The difference is that the light source of a moonbow is the moon, while the dominicus provides light for a rainbow.

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Though these are fainter than daytime rainbows, your best take chances to catch a moonbow comes during a full moon observed near a waterfall, due to the increased light and water in the air. One of the most pop locations to observe a rare moonbow is near Victoria Falls between Zambia and Zimbabwe.


Tidal bores occur when a river empties into a larger body of h2o. The sudden deepening of the channel causes the tide to surge up against and over the river. This phenomenon can be observed around the world in places from China to Nova Scotia. Only the king of tidal bores has long been in Brazil, where the Amazon River empties into the Atlantic Ocean, producing the globe's longest wave – gnarly.

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Measuring more than 10 feet high and capable of traveling hundreds of miles up the river, the pororoca is legendary among surfers, with the most skilled riders capable of surfing it for upward of an hour. Unfortunately, man-made factors such equally agriculture and hydroelectric dams have recently blunted the mighty pororoca, rendering it unsurfable.

Frost Flowers

Though the beginning freeze of the fall season signals the coming of deep wintertime. It as well brings a cute gift in the form of frost flowers. They're not actually flowers, so you tin't purchase a boutonniere of them for your pregnant other, but at least you can notice them if you know where to wait.

Photo Courtesy: National Weather Service

Early autumn freezes cause openings in plant stems and areas near the root system still receive sap while the ground is relatively warm. This sap freezes when it hits the air, allowing more than sap to motility up and freeze in turn, creating elaborate ribbons of frozen sap.

Snowfall Donuts

Similar to frost flowers, snow donuts course under exactly the correct confluence of cold-weather weather. Also known every bit snow rollers, this unusual miracle has been observed all over the U.S., from Idaho and Oregon to the New England States.

Photo Courtesy: National Weather Service

Formation of snow donuts requires that the snow be fresh and loose, with a layer of pulverization nether the newest snow. This powder layer allows the snow pieces to break off and curl downward the slope, gathering more than snow as they gyre. So, no, they're not actually donuts. Don't eat them.

Eternal Flame Falls

"Am I only dreaming, or is this called-for an eternal flame?" Sang The Bangles in their song, Eternal Flame. Lucky visitors to Chestnut Ridge Park are not dreaming. The fire in the prototype, tucked underneath a waterfall is actually produced by a natural gas rupture in the Shale Creek Preserve. Hence, the waft of rotten eggs.

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The hike to the waterfall tin can be somewhat tricky due to erosion and exposed roots. To get the full event, you should ideally plan to visit when the falls are actually flowing — in early spring or post-obit sustained periods of pelting.

Underwater Crop Circles

Could these intricate crop circles in the sandy bottom of the body of water actually be prove of aboriginal aliens living deep underwater far from the prying eyes of humans? No. These are, in fact, caused by male pufferfish as part of an incredible mating ritual. First observed by Japanese divers in 1995, it turned out to be an entirely new species of pufferfish.

Photo Courtesy: National Atmospheric condition Service

They measure out only five inches long but can spend hundreds of hours creating mandala-similar designs with a 7-foot diameter. Despite being "dull, almost to the betoken of invisibility," this laudable tactic helps hopeful pufferfish stand out to potential mates. Information technology'south considerably more romantic than proposing at a ballgame.

Spotted Lake

Known as Klikuk to First Nations peoples in Canada and considered sacred ground, the Spotted Lake sits north of Osoyoos in British Columbia's Okanagan Valley. It looks like a run-of-the-mill lake for most of the yr. But during summer, the water evaporates to reveal an arresting visual of polka dots in diverse hues of bluish, yellow and green.

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Called "the most magical place in Canada" past the CBC, the unique coloration is caused by high mineral content with calcium, sodium sulphates and magnesium sulphate. Interesting fact: minerals from the lake were harvested to make ammunition during World War I. To help preserve the area'south cultural and ecology significance, visitors are not allowed to walk amidst the stunning spots.

Fire Whirls

Too known as a fire devil, and caused by a process similar to the one that creates grit devils, these unusual formations resemble a pocket-sized tornado of flames. Oftentimes caused by castor fires, they crave a unique combination of extreme heat and winds that whip upwardly ash and flames into a frightening tangle.

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Burn down whirls are typically fairly modest and singled-out from a so-chosen "firenado," which can be substantially larger in size (i.e., several football game fields broad) and require intense heat below an water ice-topped deject that can cause deadly results, such equally the 1 produced past the Carr Burn in California in 2018 that claimed the life of a fire fighter.

Pele'due south Hair

Named after the Hawaiian volcano goddess, (not the Brazilian soccer legend) Pele's hair is a very thin class of basaltic lava. It's substantially natural fiberglass, so don't roll effectually in it, as it tin can cause respiratory distress and severe eye injury.

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Pele's pilus is formed when airborne molten lava separates while in the air, causing thin strands to stretch out between the larger pieces as they move autonomously. The hair-similar strands solidify into what appears to exist glass, and collect on the footing surrounding the volcano.

These strands tin exist carried by current of air more than than a mile from the lava source, and were a common sight post-obit the 2018 Kilauea eruption in Hawaii.

Salar de Uyuni

Consume your centre out, Bonneville Common salt Flats. While yous've been busy letting racers attempt to break the land speed record, the Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia is 100 times larger and the ultimate lure for salty Instagrammers. Measuring more than iv,050 foursquare miles, the vista consists of several prehistoric lakes and features countless pentagons of table salt peeking up through the earth.

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Salar de Uyuni likewise creates a haven for optical-illusion photos and forced-perspective photography, besides as astonishing reflection pools when water collects across the landscape. The location was fifty-fifty used to film a boxing scene in Star Wars: The Terminal Jedi. Unfortunately, while locals accept mined salt hither for generations, the Bolivian authorities is exploring plans to ramp upward mineral harvesting due to the area'south meaning lithium reserves.

Catatumbo Lightning

Humans are typically advised to avert lightning, but if you want to buck that trend, look no further than the Catatumbo River in Venezuela where information technology empties into Lake Maracaibo. This location witnesses more lightning strikes than whatsoever other identify on Earth. It sees a stunning i.2 one thousand thousand lightning strikes per twelvemonth.

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These lightning storms tin can last for 10 hours at a time and are visible 260 nights per yr on average, peaking in October during the rainy flavor. Scientific theories about the cause of the lightning concentration have ranged from the area's uranium deposits to methyl hydride seepage, but it could too be related to the unique topography of the river mouth.

Darvaza Gas Crater

If for some reason you want to visit a place dubbed the "Door to Hell," and you as well desire to visit Turkmenistan, then yous can stop by the imposing 230-foot-wide Darvaza gas crater. Billy Joel famously crooned that We Didn't Start the Fire, but in this example, nosotros know who did start the fire.

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In 1971, Soviet geologists searched the Karakum Desert for oil fields and deemed this area a promising prospect. They began drilling but the large natural gas pocket collapsed in numerous areas. So, in the interest of safety, they intentionally set it on fire. It's been burning for a half-century. In 2010, president Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow ordered that the hole should be filled, but no activeness has been taken yet.

Christmas Island Crab Swarms

No, Christmas Island is non where Santa Claus spends xi months of the year. Christmas Island is an external territory of Australia located in the Indian Bounding main. Once a valuable source of succulent phosphate. It'southward also got venereal – lots of them, about 50 one thousand thousand or then.

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In fact, the island had to install road infrastructure, including more ten miles of plastic barriers, an overpass, and dozens of underpasses just so these decorated petty crabs tin scuttle across on their annual migration to brood. Conveniently, they have a cheerful cherry coloration, and so Merry Christmas to all.

Spider Rain

Pelting tin can exist an inconvenience if you neglect to check the weather forecast and get caught in a downpour without an umbrella. But sometimes it rains spiders. Alive Science consulted retired UC-Riverside arachnologist Rick Vetter, who relayed some downright terrifying information most the phenomenon of "ballooning", saying: "Ballooning is a not-uncommon behavior of many spiders. They climb some high expanse and stick their butts upwards in the air and release silk."

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Even Charles Darwin experienced this baroque spider ballooning, calling information technology "quite unaccountable" and "inexplicable," as noted past The Atlantic. This ballooning can be particularly extreme in Australia (because of course it is), and spiders fleeing inundation waters en masse take produced thick blankets of silky webs beyond parts of Tasmania and New Southward Wales. These fine webs are too known as "affections hair," so spiders accept ruined pasta too.

Fairy Circles

Known to some every bit the "footprints of the gods," then-called "fairy circles" are bald spots in vegetation beyond some areas of Namibia and Due south Africa. These marks have baffled locals and scientists for generations. As Atlas Obscura describes it, "Rings are forming in the ground. Perfectly round, nigh too-adepthoped-for-truthful rings, in fact."

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Every bit it turns out, the 2 competing theories well-nigh their origin may both be correct. 1 claim holds that termites are responsible for fairy circles, while other researchers believe that the circles are caused by the h2o usage of the surrounding plants. This phenomenon has also been observed in parts of the Australian desert.

Starling Murmurations

Starlings are a type of bird that counterbalance nigh the same as a Quarter Pounder. They are also known to put on a spectacular show of synchronized flight. They tin can also (sort of) block out the sun. A fairly common sight at certain times of the year in parts of Denmark and the United Kingdom, starling swarms are known as murmurations.

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These are dubbed "sort sol," Danish for "black sun," and consist of hundreds or fifty-fifty thousands of starlings swooping and diving around dusk. Scientists take studied the phenomenon and found that striking patterns announced in the murmurations, with birds creating alternate pockets of depression and loftier density.

Behemothic's Causeway

These might look like giant rolls of pennies clumped together, just they're actually formed by 40,000 interlocking hexagonal basalt columns in Northern Ireland. They were produced 60 million years ago by cooling lava. Before Game of Thrones dominated Northern Irish tourism promotions, the Giant'due south Causeway stood as the main allure for virtually visitors.

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Every bit legend has information technology, Irish giant Finn McCool attempted to protect the island from the threatening Scottish giant Benandonner. He picked upwardly pieces of the Antrim declension and threw them into the ocean. But these chunks formed a path that Benandonner used to pursue Finn back to Ireland.

Flowering Desert

The Atacama Desert in Republic of chile is the driest place on Earth. How dry is it, you inquire? Well, it's so dry out that information technology gets less than one millimeter of rainfall each year. Enquiry shows that some of the Atacama'southward riverbeds have been dry out for 120,000 years, and researchers speculate that some pockets of the South American desert take never seen h2o at all.

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All the same, when it does pelting, the landscape blooms to life with a stunning assortment of flowers. Chosen the "desierto florido" (flowering desert), this miracle "usually occurs every 5 to seven years when rains crusade cached seeds to germinate and flower," according to the BBC.

Exploding Methane Craters

When yous recall of Siberia, you probably imagine a desolate mural devoid of amazing natural phenomena. However, if y'all want to investigate melting permafrost and mysterious craters likely caused past exploding methane, then Siberia is the place to be!

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Permafrost is soil that remains frozen for at least two consecutive years. It typically contains dead plants and animals that decompose as the soil defrosts, a procedure sped along by climate change. Permafrost also causes pingoes, which are large groundswells upwards to 300-feet high created by freezing groundwater pushing up frozen footing. If the gases explode, it can crusade a big crater.

Crystal Desert Rose

Although stone legend Sting might "dream of gardens in the desert sand," this is non what he meant. Crystal "roses" are made from gypsum or barite. According to Geology In, they "crystalize in a unique rosette growth blueprint… The 'petals' are crystals flattened on the c crystallographic axis, fanning open in radiating flattened crystal clusters."

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These gorgeous crystals appear all over the world, just are particularly common in one U.S. state. "Rose rocks – the carmine-brown sandy crystals of barite that resemble a rose in full bloom – are more abundant in Oklahoma than anywhere else in the world," per the Oklahoma Geological Survey.

Fair-Weather Waterspouts

Waterspouts are very like to tornadoes over water. There are two types: those caused by astringent storms over water, similar to land-based tornadoes, and the much scarier and harder-to-predict off-white-conditions waterspouts, which are not caused by a supercell system and form on calm ocean with relatively at-home winds.

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Understandably, mariners have maintained a healthy fearfulness of off-white-weather waterspouts for millennia. These are peculiarly common in Florida Keys, developing on the surface of the water and stretching skyward. These come up from warm, humid air near the h2o surface producing rise currents, and winds then cause updrafts of spinning air, capable of reaching speeds of up to 190 miles per hour.

Frozen Methane Bubbles

You might not await it, but a farting lake in Alberta, Canada, delivers one of the more than spectacular sights in nature. At the right time of yr, organic affair, such as dead plants, sink to the lesser of Abraham Lake and decompose, producing methane bubbling that rise and freeze well-nigh the surface for a stunning visual effect.

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Unfortunately, this occurrence on the man-made lake could pose an existential threat to humanity. As the frozen bubbles thaw, methane enters the temper, heating up the surrounding air 86 times faster than carbon dioxide, further exacerbating global warming.

Eyeless Shrimp on Hydrothermal Vents

"Life uh, finds a way." So goes the ideology of Jeff Goldblum'southward Dr. Ian Malcolm in Jurassic Park. And he's got a betoken. In 2012, scientists announced findings from a voyage to the Mid-Cayman Rise three miles under the surface of the Caribbean Sea.

Photo Courtesy: NOAA Photo Library

The researchers were surprised to notice "slender, rocky spires towering 20 feet above the seafloor, spewing along a sooty jet of metallic-rich fluid some 3,600 anxiety high." That sounds highly toxic and not hospitable for any living artistic. And yet, they found these vents to be teeming with a species of mostly eyeless shrimp, Rimicaris hybisae.


Source: https://www.reference.com/science/amazing-natural-phenomena-that-have-to-be-seen?utm_content=params%3Ao%3D740005%26ad%3DdirN%26qo%3DserpIndex

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