How to Become Active Attorney Again California

In California, only attorneys licensed with the State Bar Association are permitted to practice law. The unauthorized practice of law is a offense under Concern & Professions Code 6125, punishable by upward to one year in county jail and a fine of up to $1000.00.

But the California crime ofunauthorized practice of constabulary is less well-known. Many people are not enlightened that practicing constabulary—or just representing oneself every bit a lawyer— without an active bar membership or other authorization can lead to serious criminal penalties in California. 1 2


Criminal penalties for unauthorized practice of law could be assessed in, for example, the following situations:

  • A recent law school graduate who is studying for the California bar exam enters into a deal with a friend who is starting a visitor: she volition help him draft legal documents for his company in exchange for a free room in his apartment.
  • A paralegal who works for a busy litigation attorney drafts and files a litigation pleading for him, without him reviewing it get-go, on a twenty-four hour period when he is traveling and unavailable; and
  • A trusts & estates attorney who has been suspended from California State Bar membership continues to do some legal practice work for her clients in club to terminate wills and estate plans she began for them earlier.


The penalties for unauthorized practice of law in California—gear up out in Concern & Professions Code 6126—are surprisingly harsh.

A non-lawyer who presents him/herself as an attorney, or practices law, faces California misdemeanor penalties. These may include a fine of up to one chiliad dollars ($1,000), up to one (1) year in county jail, or both.iii

And the penalties are even steeper for sometime attorneys who have

  • been involuntarily shifted to "inactive" membership in the State Bar,
  • been suspended from membership in the State Bar,
  • been disbarred, or
  • resigned from the State Bar of California with criminal charges awaiting.iv

In these cases, unauthorized exercise of police is a wobbler in California law—which means information technology may exist charged as a misdemeanor OR a felony. The potential felony jail sentence can become as high as three (three) years.5

Legal defenses

Unauthorized practice of police charges oft accept people by surprise. While defendants oftentimes have a legal education or some experience with the legal organisation, they are frequently unfamiliar with the California criminal justice arrangement.

That is where an experienced California criminal defence attorney tin can come in handy. S/he tin can help navigate both the criminal pretrial process in California and the California criminal jury process.

And a good criminal defense lawyer understands the mutual legal defenses to unauthorized practice of law charges that can help become the charges dismissed or get you acquitted. These include:

  • Your actions didn't meet the legal definition of practicing law; and
  • Y'all didn't know you had been involuntarily placed on inactive bar membership status.

In society to help you lot better understand the police force, our California criminal defense attorneys will address the post-obit:

  • 1. How does California law define the unauthorized practice of police?
  • 2. What are the penalties under Business organization & Professions Code 6126?
    • 2.ane. Unauthorized practice of law past not-lawyers
    • two.2. Unauthorized practise of law by suspended or disbarred lawyers
  • iii. What are the well-nigh common defenses?
  • four. Related Topics
    • four.i. Unauthorized practice of medicine
    • four.two. Criminal convictions and attorney discipline in California

If, after reading this article, you would like more data, we invite you to contact united states at Shouse Law Grouping.

man not licensed to practice law in california sweating

Practicing law—or just representing oneself as a lawyer— without an active bar membership or other say-so tin can lead to serious criminal penalties

1. How does California law ascertain the unauthorized practice of law?

The law-breaking of unauthorized practise of law in California consists but of:

  1. Either advertizing or holding oneself out as practicing or entitled to exercise police, OR really practicing law,
  2. While i is not an active member of the California Country Bar or otherwise authorized to do police force by a statute or court rule.six

This sounds unproblematic enough—but, in fact, some of the terms in the legal definition of unauthorized practice of constabulary require farther caption.

Practicing law

The California Business & Professions Code does not provide a definition of "practicing law." Merely California courts have adamant that information technology includes:

  • Performing legal services in courtroom cases/litigation,
  • Providing legal advice and counsel, and
  • Preparing legal instruments and contracts that secure legal rights—even if the matters involved don't have anything to practise with lawsuits or the courts.7

Example : Eleanor failed the California bar exam on her start try and is studying to take it a 2d time. She plans to open up up a solo practice later she passes the bar.

In guild to starting time drumming upwards business, she makes contact with people on the net who take legal questions and offers them her advice on those questions.

Fifty-fifty though Eleanor is not representing anyone in court, she is a non-attorney offering legal communication—and so may be committing the criminal offence of unauthorized exercise of law.

Hither are some concrete examples of activities that California courts take determined constitute the unauthorized practice of law, punishable nether Business & Professions Code 6126, when they are washed by non-lawyers:

  • Creating and selling subscriptions to a software program that volition fix bankruptcy filings for customers;eight
  • Representing people in state administrative hearings (such as professional person license intermission proceedings);9
  • Giving advice about the law of other states or a foreign country;x and
  • Preparing stipulations and releases.11

Advertising or holding oneself out every bit authorized to practice constabulary

It is important to notation that criminal penalties for unauthorized practice of police force in California apply not just to the bodily practice of law—but besides to the human action of property oneself out as authorized to practice law.12

In other words, you tin can be guilty of the unauthorized practice of law even if you accept not actually engaged in any legal work.

Example : Scott was a practicing lawyer for several years before starting a successful trucking visitor. He has let his country bar membership lapse to "inactive" status.

Scott is trying to get his child admitted to a prestigious private school. As role of the application, he tells the schoolhouse that he would be happy to provide it with "pro bono" (free) legal advice if his son is admitted.

Technically, Scott may have just committed the crime of unauthorized practice of police—since he inaccurately represented that he was authorized to practise police force in California.

While 1 is not an agile member of the California Land Bar

Information technology also bears repeating that, in order to exercise constabulary in California, y'all must either

  • be an active member of the California State Bar, an authoritative arm of the California Supreme Court, or
  • be authorized to exercise police by another statute or court rule (such as the rule permitting California companies to hire in-house lawyers who are members of other states' bars13).

Otherwise, you are committing the offense of practicing constabulary without a license.14

If you are not a fellow member of the California Land Bar or otherwise authorized to practice law, information technology doesn't matter whether yous

  • have a law degree,
  • used to be a fellow member of the California State Bar, or
  • are a member of the bar of another state or a strange land.

Knowledge that you lot have been involuntarily placed on inactive status

For some California lawyers accused of unauthorized practice of law, at that place is a requirement that youknew that you lot were on inactive status and so ineligible to practice constabulary. If the prosecutor tin can't prove that you acted knowingly, you will not be guilty of this criminal offence.xv

This requirement of cognition appliesonly to lawyers who:

  1. Have been involuntarily placed on inactive status; and
  2. Were placed on inactive condition subsequently a "default" in their disciplinary proceedings—that is, they failed to file an respond to the notice of disciplinary charges, or failed to show up at their disciplinary proceeding earlier the California Country Bar Court.16

ii. What are the penalties under Business organisation & Professions Code 6126?

The penalties for practicing law without a license in California vary depending on whether you are

  1. someone who has never been admitted to the California Bar, or
  2. someone who was once a member of the California State Bar but has lost your agile membership status involuntarily.17

2.1. Unauthorized practice of law by not-lawyers

For people who take never been admitted to the California State Bar (or let their membership lapse voluntarily), unauthorized practice of law is a misdemeanor. The potential penalties include:

  • Misdemeanor (summary) probation ;
  • Up to one (1) year in canton jail; and/or
  • A fine of upwards to one g dollars ($ane,000).18

In addition, if you are convicted of unauthorized practice of law in California a 2nd time—and any subsequent times—you are required to serve at least ninety (90) days in county jail, unless the judge finds that this is an "unusual case" where the interests of justice would not exist served by such a sentence.19

2.two. Unauthorized do of police past suspended or disbarred lawyers

California constabulary imposes a harsher sentence for unauthorized practice of law by people who were formerly licensed attorneys and members of the California State Bar but accept

  1. been suspended from membership,
  2. been disbarred,
  3. resigned with criminal charges pending, or
  4. been involuntarily enrolled as an inactive member (for instance, considering of mental illness, a drug or booze problem, or a finding that the attorney'southward bear poses a threat of damage to the interests of his/her clients).20

For people in these categories, unauthorized practice of law is a wobbler. This ways that a prosecutor may choose to accuse it aseither a misdemeanor or a California felony, depending on the accused'southward criminal history and the circumstances of the case.21

If it is charged as a misdemeanor, this kind of unauthorized practice of police is punishable past up to half-dozen (6) months in canton jail.22

Just if it is charged as a felony, potential penalties will include:

  • Felony (formal) probation ;
  • Sixteen (16) months, two (2) years or 3 (3) years in county jail; and/or
  • A fine of upwardly to ten grand dollars ($10,000).23

Example : Ramona, a real estate & foreclosure attorney, is charged with mortgage fraud for activities related to her work with homeowners facing foreclosure. While she is fighting the charges, the State Bar places her on involuntary inactive status.

Considering she believes she is beingness wrongfully charged with a crime, Ramona continues to represent clients and help them fight for their rights.

But this merely leads her to be charged with the unauthorized practice of law. She is eventually acquitted of mortgage fraud—just she is bedevilled of unauthorized practice of law and ends upwards with a felony penalty of 2 year in jail!

three. What are the most common defenses?

Most people charged with unauthorized do of police in California know something most some area of police—simply many of them are unfamiliar with criminal law and the criminal court system. An experienced criminal defense attorney is an invaluable asset when you are facing charges as serious as these.

Some of the legal defenses that an chaser can help you use to fight unauthorized practise of law charges include:

Your deportment didn't meet the legal definition of practicing constabulary

According to Pasadena criminal defense attorney Neil Shouse24:

"Determining whether certain activities constitute "practicing law" can be tricky—especially nowadays. Companies like Nolo and LegalZoom are using the internet to aid people avoid the demand to hire a traditional lawyer. Meanwhile, lawyers are under increasing force per unit area to cutting costs for their clients, which can lead to creative staffing solutions in which non-lawyers play a large function."

California law provides a adequately ambiguous, non-specific definition of "practicing law."25 If the behavior you lot are accused of is not the traditional "lawyering" that consists of representing clients in front of a judge or jury—then you may have room to argue that yous should not be convicted of unauthorized do of law.

You lot didn't know you had been involuntarily placed on inactive bar membership status

Equally we discussed to a higher place, some California attorneys are hitting with unauthorized practice of law charges after they have been placed on inactive condition due to "defaulting" in the attorney field of study process—that is, non responding to a notice or failing to prove upwards at their proceeding.26

In these detail cases, the prosecutor is required to prove that youknew you were practicing law, or property yourself out equally able to practice police force, without authority.

Proving knowledge can exist quite difficult—and prosecutors know it. In these cases, it may be possible to get the charges dismissed.

Note that barred attorneys in one state may exist able to exercise constabulary in another state on a express basis through the pro hac vice procedure.

iv. Related Topics

Other topics in California criminal law that may be of interest to someone facing unauthorized practice of law (BPC 6125) charges include:

iv.1. Unauthorized practice of medicine

As with the unauthorized practice of law, California law besides makes the unauthorized practice of medicine a crime.27 In this state, you may non practice, or advertise yourself equally practicing, any kind of healing or treatment without an appropriate license.28

Unauthorized practise of medicine is in all cases a wobbler in California. If information technology is charged as a misdemeanor, information technology may be punished by one (one) year in county jail. If it is charged as a felony, information technology can earn a defendant sixteen (16) months, two (ii) years or three (3) years in prison.29

4.2. Criminal convictions and chaser bailiwick in California

Many unauthorized practice of law cases occurafter a California chaser has faced attorney subject due to a criminal conviction.

California attorneys typically face disbarment when they are bedevilled of crimes involving moral turpitude.30 This includes most California fraud crimes—and a long list of other offenses besides.

But they may too face disbarment or suspension of their license for "other misconduct warranting discipline," in the discretion of the Supreme Court.31

Also see the California Rules of Professional Conduct and Professional person Responsibleness and the American Bar Association (ABA).

Group of law firm receptionists with headsets.

Call our constabulary firm for a free consultation.

For questions about the law-breaking of unauthorized practise of constabulary in California, or to hash out your instance confidentially with one of our California criminal defense attorneys, exercise non hesitate to contact us at Shouse Constabulary Group.

Nosotros have local criminal law offices in and around Los Angeles, San Diego, Orange County, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura, San Jose, Oakland, the San Francisco Bay surface area, and several nearby cities.

For more information on the unlawful practice of law in Nevada, please see our page on the "unlawful practise of law" in Nevada. For Colorado cases, run across our article on the unauthorized practice of law in Colorado.

Legal References:


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