A Gold Personalised Twitter Name Ring (& Pink Hair)

Pink wig, polka dots & personalised Twitter name ring - oNecklace.com

Iii bang-up things to be excited about today:

1. My personalised Twitter name band, 2. Non Dressed As Lamb's Nov sponsor oNecklace.com, and 3. Having pink hair. Unfortunately it'south not permanent, it's a wig…!

oNecklace gifted me this personalised band. All opinions are my own, however, and 100% honest.
*In that location is an extra accuse for the souvenir box.

As any fan of Sex and the Metropolis will tell you, a personalised necklace has been something of a fashionista essential for a few years now. (Carrie's name necklace was THE necklace to accept well-nigh 10 years agone and hasn't really dropped off the way radar since.) And so when oNecklace.com reached out to me to accept something made from their range of gold and silver personalised jewellery, I remembered that I'd thought a while ago of having my Twitter handle on something – and totally went for the 24K Gold Plated Alegro 2 Finger Proper noun Ring. I thought information technology fabricated a funky alternative to the traditional proper noun necklace, and as I found out on Mon at the Adjacent Blogger Network workshop it's a great talking point at blogger events!

Do check out oNecklace.com's huge range of personalised necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings – all in silver and gold with a huge selection of styles to cull from. They have an online chat service (which was really handy when I needed to double cheque ring sizes), the ring was sent in a beautiful souvenir box* and it arrived a lot quicker than I expected for a fabricated-to-measure out piece. All-time of all: they send worldwide for gratuitous. That's the icing on the cake for me right there.

Personalised Twitter Name Ring - oNecklace.com
And in case you're wondering about the pink pilus…? Well I take a pink wig I wore at our family New year's Eve party when I was dressed equally a Japanese anime daughter, and I merely fancied wearing it for this photo shoot. I reckon my Twitter proper name and little lammies made me think pinkish, blackness and white – and the pink makes a change from all that red hair of mine that'due south usually flying about all over the place!

Catherine x


Source: https://www.notdressedaslamb.com/2013/11/personalised-twitter-name-ring.html

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